Monday, March 21, 2016

She just had a couple clots come out, Karen is massaging her uterus and Steph is trying to get Parker to latch. We are hoping she doesn't have to go to the hospital again. as of right now everything is still good. Keep sending positive thoughts and prayers.
Steph just got some wonderful words of encouragement from Karen, she and baby are going great! They will check her uterus again and then it's "oxytocin time" according to Karen and we are all going to give the new family a little time to bond.

Placenta is out, her fundus is firm. The midwives are managing everything beautifully. Steph is so happy, she is talking to Parker and encouraging him to nurse.
She asked for guidance with her next push, andrea helped coach her and Steph powered baby out in one big contraction.

It's a BOY!!!!! Parker is here! He is doing great! Steph is doing great!
She wants to move to the birth stool, they are setting up the stool in the bedroom. The contractions are coming close together. It is so wonderful to see her working with her body in this quiet and sacred space.
Everything is set up, Steph can feel the baby moving down. Karen just gave her soome words of encouragement, it's time to meet the baby, then nap time.

Steph has been working so hard today, she is ready for a rest.

Her sounds have started to change a little, she still has a long moan but now at the peek of the contraction she moves into pushing and an "ahhhh" sound. There is nothing more beautiful then a woman bringing her baby into the world.
she just moved to hands and knees, had one contraction and said, I think the baby is coming! We are all getting excited, the birth team is setting everything up.