Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Things I Didn't Know Were Possible

Penny has now earned the names Poop Houdini and Vomit Ninja.  

And now for a list of things I didn't know:

I didn't know it was possible for a baby to poop so hard that it would squirt up and out the top of her diaper and onto you.
I didn't know that a baby would be able find a way to get throw-up on your face while you were trying to change said diaper.
I didn't know that a simple daily walk can change you whole perspective on a situation. 
I didn't know that I don't know myself half as well as I thought.
I didn't know how challenging parenthood would be.  
I also didn't know that it would be the most fun I've ever had.

This list will probably expand on a daily basis.

My husband and I were talking last night and he summed up parenthood pretty darn well. "It is a lot of fun, but it is NOT easy."

I have set a few new goals for myself as a mom (and most likely I will fail at these most days but that is okay)

1. To go on a daily walk with my daughter.  I have begun doing this and it has made a huge difference for me.  I have not been given the green light to work out yet, but I am so excited to get back into running.  The little bit of exercise makes a huge difference in how I approach my day.

2. To have fun cooking and planning dinners.  I am getting better at cooking! I know how to cook but I am learning to diversify my dishes more and it is becoming more fun. Ken is already a great cook and loves experimenting, I struggle to let go of the recipe sometimes.

3. Do little things every day to keep the house clean.  This is not my favorite thing, but man, it makes me feel a LOT better.

I am slowly getting more into the groove of this parenting thing and it feels really nice to get my confidence back after a month of doubting myself.  So, for my pregnant and new mom friends- don't doubt yourself!  It will only make things more difficult.  You have what it takes.



Here are some pictures of the short hike that we took Penny on.  The trail wasn't that great, but the views were pretty and the weather was wonderful.

 The reluctant hiker.
 The hiking selfie (Penny is in the Ergo that Ken is wearing).
Penny has my feet! 

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