I have decided my daughter is incredible. She is already able to hold her head up on her own and can even turn her head to look at things. She has started to make those adorable baby noises that make your heart melt and her smile makes you feel like the most important person in the world. If you asked me right in this moment, exhaustion and all, I would say that being a parent is the most incredible thing in the world. I hope I keep this mindset through all of the challenges that we may face in the future.
I have heard that there is a research study that suggests that people with children are less happy than their peers who do not have children. I am going to completely disagree with this study, but I have to admit, I probably would have agreed with it a few weeks ago. I think the biggest adjustment you go through as a new parent is the death of your old life. It is so strange having to suddenly have another human being constantly attached to you, and it can be incredibly overwhelming sometimes. In the first few weeks, I would sometimes sit and think about how my life would be at that point if Penny wasn't with us yet. I wouldn't long for it per se, but I definitely figured that it would be easier. Now? I feel like my life is perfect. And by perfect I mean that I have never been so happy in my life. Penny is the best blessing I could have ever asked for. You have to let these other "what if" questions die before you can allow yourself to truly enjoy the life in front of you. It is okay to imagine what it would be like, healthy even. It lets you compare and recognize what truly makes you happy. I was content with my job and my freedom and my responsibilities. Now I am joyful, love-filled, and more happy than I ever thought I could be. THAT is what makes people with children happier than their peers. Yes, life is definitely more difficult, but is it better? Heck, yeah.
I don't think everyone will completely agree with that, and I don't think everyone should. Some people simply don't want to have children and that is totally fine. If you don't want kids, don't let anyone tell you that you need to have them. It is a lifelong commitment and if you don't want it, it's better not to just do it for other people. For those of my friends who are yet to have kids, I am so excited for you. My mom kept saying to me "honey, this will pass" when things were difficult and she was right. Now, I am just trying to savor every single moment of my life with her because, cliche as it is, it is going WAY too fast.
Ken and I went on an awesome hike yesterday morning... or should I say I dragged him on a hike after he had been working all night. We went for an hour and a half with Penny in the Ergo and she slept the entire way! Like I said, she is awesome. Oh and crying? Pretty much a thing of the past. Penny now only cries about 30 minutes a day, total. I think this is partly thanks to the sleep program we have her on and partly just her sweet temperament. Here is the view from the top of the hill on our hike. There really are some beautiful places to hike in this area.
Hulda Crooks Park (79 days till the race... I am hoping to be able to run these hills soon)
Here are some more pics of little Penelope from the last couple days. She is 7 weeks and two days now!
Penny was happy to be in her car seat for the first time in her life.Relaxin' and making little curls in the bath..
All smiles during play time.
Ken is hiding her in the laundry baskets hahaha. All I hear is "come find me mommy!" and I found her sitting in there. I laughed so hard because she was just happy and chillin.
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