Saturday, June 14, 2014

90-minute Sleep Cycles: Saving Lives Everywhere

Ken and I, prompted by my wonderful mother, decided that we needed to try this new patter of sleep with Penny.  It is called the 90-minute Sleep Program and it is honestly incredible.  I am about to sound like an infomercial, but if you have a baby that just isn't sleeping well, just give this a go for a day (or a week if you are feeling really daring).  It is pretty darn simple.  Whenever your baby wakes up during the day, start a timer.  After 90 minutes ( or a little bit earlier) observe your child's sleep ques and start putting the to sleep.  Let them sleep as long as they want.  Rinse and Repeat.  No, I'm serious, not about the rinsing, but about putting them to sleep after they have been awake for 90 minutes.  I have literally watched Penny go from a crying "fussy" baby, to a sweet, alert, active baby in one day.  She now cries for maybe 30-45 minutes a day, not at a time, I mean TOTAL for the whole entire day and night.

I had not realized how much I was unintentionally overstimulating and sleep-depriving my baby.  I thought that all babies just cried like that but I was wrong.

Here are my only frustrations with it: Other People
I don't think I will ever understand why people want babies to be constantly awake.  All I hear is "Wake up Penny!  Wake Up!  You sleep too much!"  And I want to scream!  She is a baby!  Babies are supposed to sleep 18 hours or more a day and no, they are not supposed to be awake at your beck and call.  The thing that gets me the most is
1. Parents who have children and still don't understand the importance of sleep for babies.
2.People who want your baby to wake up and then when they do and they cry, they immediately hand them back. I want to say to these people, you chose to wake them up, now you fix it so that you can understand what we and the babies go through when naps are interrupted. I would never tell them that of course, but I think every single mom honestly feels that way.
3. People (parents included) that expect babies to be on their schedule.  You will fail every time if you think the baby will conform to your schedule.  It's better to accept that they are in charge of your schedule pretty much from here on out.

This is mostly said in good humor, but it is honest as well.  Sorry for the rant!

For my moms-to-be, just something to keep in mind!  Trust your momma bear instincts and protect those nap times and avoid over stimulation.  Your baby will thank you and you will love yourself for doing it as well.

Penny Update: Penny is just more incredible by the day.  She is starting to babble more and makes the cutest noises.  And... drum roll please... she started smiling at Ken and I!  She also smiled for her Nana (my mom) and her Lolo and Lola (Kens Parents).  It just lights up her whole entire face, I love it.  Watching her discover the world is absolutely wonderful and such a gift.

 My mom with Penny when she first came home.

 My brother with Penny when he came to visit last week.  She loves her Uncle Chris!

Bath Time like a boss.

Happy Almost Father's Day, all!



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