Sunday, June 8, 2014

Baby Burps, Moby Wraps, and Bringing Down the House (almost)

Oh man.... where to begin?  Well, I learned that I was not burping Penny for long enough at all.  I thought, "oh, if she doesn't burp in 10-20 seconds, she must not need to burp!" Wrong.  Sometimes it takes 5 minutes for her to burp.  I also didn't even think to burp her throughout the day and before she eats.  BUT, now we are able to avoid a lot of crying due to gas with those little tricks.  So, again, I am counting this a victory!  Plus, I am sure she is now feeling a lot better.  She does these cute little resigned sighs while I am burping her, almost as if she thinks that the burping is annoying but she knows it is necessary.  She is a lot less fussy now and seems a lot more content :).

Moby Wraps: My new best friend.

I am new to this thing called "baby wearing" but it is slowly becoming my favorite.  I was becoming frustrated that I had to spend half my day trying to get Penny to sleep in her bassinet so that I could get a few things done.  She wasn't having any of it and I wanted her to be near me too.  Enter: The Moby Wrap.  I was NOT enamored the first few times I tried to get the wrap to work.  I felt so awkward and I couldn't get it tied correctly, regardless of how many repetitive youtube instructional videos I watched.  Finally I realized that I was not starting the wrap high enough on my waist.  Bingo!  Now I can take the little penguin with me wherever I go.  The even better part?  I can use it until she is 2 years old!  I absolutely love my Ergo for hikes and long walks because the support that it gives me is irreplaceable. However, I found when I was wearing it and trying to eat, it extended too far out and I was struggling to see my food and the tasks I was doing.
So, my recommendation?  Get a Moby Wrap for home when you are able to sit down and take rests but need to have a little more space to move around with. But, also get an Ergo for when you want to take walks or go on hikes so you don't kill your back.

Bringing Down the House

So, I almost burnt the apartment down.  Nobody panic!  I'm exaggerating.  However, our house did get a bit smokey.  Ken and I were planning on having Ramen for dinner and so we were boiling chicken bones and mushrooms to make the ramen broth.  Ken got it all set up in the morning before going to sleep (he had just gotten home from working the night shift) and all I needed to do was watch it and turn it off when it was done cooking down.  Well, I took the little one in to breastfeed and next thing I know I've fallen asleep and was awoken by the smell of burnt chicken bones.  I rushed out to find our dinner ruined and the ingredients cooking away onto the bottom of the pot.  I felt stupid and frustrated at my sheer exhaustion, but I immediately started remaking the ramen even though I had to fudge on the broth a bit.  I think this event could probably be listed under Things I say I'll never do again but probably will.

Penny in the Moby Wrap.  She loves it!
Ken teaching Penny how to play the guitar... with her feet?

Penny is 1 month old!

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