Monday, December 22, 2014

What doesn't get done...

My mom is one of the mot incredible women I know, so you will continue to see her words of wisdom on this blog!  I have a new motto this Christmas season and I have her to thank for it.

I was rushing around like a mad woman, trying to prepare for hosting my very first cookie exchange (a tradition that my mom had started and that I wanted to continue).  It was the day of the exchange and I had almost everything done-- except that the house was still a complete mess and I had yet to bake any cookies for said party.  Sensing my stress, Penny decided to reflect it by not wanting to take a nap and needing to be held (completely my fault, and I knew it).  Let me tell you, it is nearly impossible to clean or bake holding a baby.  I had been up until 3 am the night before getting everything ready and making small gifts for the ladies at the breastfeeding support group and was running on almost empty.  My mom texted me at the perfect moment and said, "I will be thinking about you all day.  Have a blast and remember: What doesn't get done wasn't supposed to."  I immediately stopped, took a deep breath, said a prayer, and let go of everything.  It was exactly what I needed to hear.  Because really, I was having mommy friends over, who all completely understand what it is like to have a baby and be trying to do everything.  And honestly, the cookie exchange was a total success , thanks to the help of Veronica and despite my cookies turning out a complete mess.

The cookie exchange was such a great reminder for me about what is important this season. It's not about the cookies or the gifts or rushing around to make everything perfect, it's just about celebrating all of the wonderful people in your life.  I am so thankful for my mommy friends, that show me new depths of love and compassion, and all of my friends who have been with me through thick and thin and are always there to catch me.

Remember this Christmas, that whatever you are rushing around trying to finish, it is not as important as the people in your life.  I'm making it a goal that every Christmas season will be stress free and that I will stay focused on God and his love and mercy.

Have a very merry Christmas everyone!

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