Dear Pierce,
Is there anyone in this world more joy-filled than you?? You are so vibrant that I wonder what I did to deserve to be in your light. You were a complete surprise and one that I am SO glad happened. I couldn't imagine it any other way. You are just so in love with the world and it is in love with you right back. You make your dad, sister, and I laugh all the time and as soon as you hear us laughing, you join right in.
You wanted to be rocked to sleep tonight and I almost didn't do it because I was caught up in myself. As soon as I took you into my arms, your body relaxed and you were fast asleep. Thank you for trusting me, for knowing that you are safe with me and so, so loved. I kept smelling your head and kissing you and a feeling came over me that I won't be holding you as often anymore and there was a deep deep sadness that engulfed me. You are so quickly turning into a toddler and I know you will always need me, but it is going too fast. Just like with your sister, I would go back and relive every moment of your life if I could. You have no idea that you will soon be a big brother, but you sure like climbing all over my giant pregnant belly. I am so looking forward to seeing you with the new baby! I know you will pass all of your love and joy along to them and that they will feel loved forever. We will all be learning and growing together as a family and I ask in advance for your forgiveness when I fail. I know that I will still be able to give you love and attention, but there is always a certain level of mom guilt that it will never be enough because I want to give you the world.
You do so many funny things, one of my favorites is how you eat like there is no tomorrow. You love food SO much and I love watching you explore all of the new tastes. I know that someone will always appreciate my cooking! You are learning to sign and can do "all done" and you love to wave goodbye. You point at everything and say "Dah!" and you especially love balloons. Ever time music comes on you get this big smile and you start dancing. You can walk so fast that it is almost running and it delights and terrifies me at the same time. You and your sister both love bath time, especially putting your face in the bubbles to make a bubble beard. You like to climb everything and to take the dishes out of every cabinet in the kitchen.
God has such big plans for you and I can't wait to see what the end up being. You are almost 1 year old and time needs to seriously slow down. I am apologizing in advance for the many years of joint birthday parties that you all have ahead of you.
Thank you for showing me how great God's love can be, and how much more love can enter into my heart.
I love you, Piercey. never stop gracing others with your light and love.
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