Saturday, April 4, 2015

Long Haul

After a long 12 hours of the same thing, I gave my amazing midwife another call to talk about my status and how things are going.  She mentioned to me that it seems like I am in prodromal labor.  Meaning that I have all the feelings of early labor starting and then it could stop out of nowhere, typically around the same time each day and not return until the next day or a couple of hours later.  Considering I have felt like I have been in and out of labor for the last couple weeks, I still feel like this is progress.  SO what this means is... you could all be reading this blog for the next three days or I could go into active labor tonight.  There really is no way of knowing so I am going about my day as usual and just allowing my body to prepare for this baby.  Luckily, my midwife knows exactly the right things to say and instead of being discouraged, I actually feel at peace.  This is just another stage of labor, not a very fun one, but just as necessary!

She gave me a few tips and encouraged me to rest which is a lot easier with my mom here.  I have decided to work on my schoolwork, take a nap, and then go hop in the pool again since the baby seemed to absolutely love that.

Thanks for hanging in there with me, guys!  Your support and love mean everything and I love seeing all of your words of encouragement.  It makes such a huge difference!

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