Saturday, March 28, 2015

How to Prep for a Homebirth

Waiting for baby to come has been hard, but I definitely haven't been lacking in things to do!  I decided to compile a list of things that helped me prep for this birth, we'll see if any of it was effective!

1. Clean the House

...and then clean it again.... and then clean it again and again and again.  Basically, wash, rinse, repeat, until you feel like it is as clean as it's going to get.  With Penny (and a husband who doesn't like putting clothes in hampers) I feel like my house is in a constant state of disarray.  I'll clean only to have things explode again.  I think I have gone through and cleaned probably 10 times now.  Plus, you have no idea when the baby is going to come so most days I wake up saying "if the baby comes today, I'm screwed!"  As of today though, I have definitely hit nesting stage and I'm picking up the house like crazy!  Hopefully this is a good sign.

2. Set up the Birth Tub

I let Ken handle this one cause he likes to figure things out. Of course he had it set up in about ten minutes. Let me just say, the Aqua Doula birth tub we are using is miraculous.  I am in heaven and I'm not even in labor yet.  I think every birthing women deserves to labor in water.  It brings a different aspect to the pain and makes it more manageable.  I love that it is a more gentle entrance into the world for baby as well, from water to water.

3. Buy your Homebirth Kit

It was so much fun going over all aspects of the birth kit at our homevisit.  The midwives explained all the different tools and what they would be used for.  Having so many friends in the medical field helps too.  I have enough chucks and mesh panties to last me through three homebirths.

4. Set everything up!

I finally got around to this today... now everything is organized and ready to go.

5. Make sure you have a fully stocked fridge!

This one is hard because I feel like I need to go grocery shopping every day! We have been eating so many meals in that we start out with everything ready to go and then eat it all so quickly.  Now we need to go grocery shopping again but with Ken's crazy work schedule and how tired I am, I might have to just wing it!

6. Have a plan for your other children

My mom and I had figured out that she would come and get Penny as soon as I went into labor but there were so many unknown details!  It is hard to plan for a bunch of different scenarios.  Luckily I have an awesome community and many friends who offered to be back-ups in case of traffic or some other unforeseen circumstance.  It makes me feel so much better knowing that Penny will be all taken care of!!

7. Occupy yourself

I'm finally ready to go, but baby is on it's own schedule.  I am just trying to keep myself as busy as possible till this baby gets here!  

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Waiting, and waiting and waiting

I have decided to follow in the footsteps of the amazing Natalie Johnson and blog during my labor!  I want everyone to be a part of it and to be able to follow along with what is happening.  I have received so much support this pregnancy and I am so excited to meet our new addition.  I know everyone is excited too and I can't wait to share this bundle of joy with you guys.

Now that we are at the tail end of the pregnancy, it feels like the days are just dragging on.  Of course, they are dragging on with laughter and love and beauty and an adorable, hilarious little girl and wonderful husband.  I'm trying to soak up every moment I have left of being a parent of just one but I'm finding myself more introspective by the day as my focus shifts to the new arrival.  We picked up our birth tub, the "Aqua Doula" (love the name!) on Tuesday at our prenatal appointment with Karen and we got to choose our student midwives too.  I'm excited to say that Andrea and Heather will be at our birth!  I feel such a strong connection to both of them and I am so grateful that I am able to choose my birth team.  It is such a stark difference from a hospital birth that it is almost glaring, but I won't get into that now ;).

I'm working on riding the wave of positive vibes that everyone is sending me.  I ran into some interesting negativity yesterday and it reminded me how easy it is to focus on one small negative experience and how quickly it can override all of the positivity.  Luckily, I talked through it with my husband and was able to release it.  He is great at reminding me to let go of the little things and that sometimes people speak from a place of hurting and to be sympathetic to their situation instead of judging their actions.

It is now Thursday and I am 38 weeks along (technically 39 weeks along) so we are really in the home stretch now.  Ken is off to take the car in for service and Penny and I are off to meet up with our friends at Olive Market (if she ever wakes up from her nap that is!)

I will try to write every day to keep everyone updated but I can't make any promises with schoolwork also in the balance. All I know is that things are good, and this little baby will come when it's ready!